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Composition of the Board of Directors of Acerinox, S.A.

In accordance with Article 19 of the Articles of Association and Article 4.1 of the Regulations of the board of directors of Acerinox, S.A., the board of directors shall consist of a number of directors determined by the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, ranging from a minimum of five to a maximum of fifteen. The Annual Shareholders' Meeting held on April 11, 2019, set the maximum number of board members at fourteen. The board of directors currently consists of eleven members. The secretary of the board does not hold director status.

Non-executive directors represent a significant majority compared to executive directors (90.91% versus 9.09%), and independent directors make up 63.64% of the board.

In selecting candidates, the board of directors aims for a balanced mix of education, knowledge, experience, age, gender, and background. This diversity enriches decision-making and brings a variety of viewpoints to the discussion of relevant issues.

The company makes a special effort to find female candidates who meet the required profile for future vacancies. In the current General Diversity Policy of the Board of Directors and Selection of Directors of Acerinox, S.A., approved on December 16, 2021, the goal was set to have at least 40% of the board members be female by 2022. This has led to a steady increase in the number of female directors, rising from 23.08% in 2018 to 36.4% as of December 31, 2023. This meets the target established for eleven-member boards according to the Annex to Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 23, 2022, which aims for better gender balance among directors of listed companies and related measures. Among the independent board members, women make up 57%.

When new vacancies have arisen, the Appointments, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee has consistently ensured that women who meet the required profile are among the candidates, maintaining a non-discriminatory process for the under-represented gender.

Based on the appointments and re-elections proposed to the General Shareholders' Meeting in recent years (Ms. Rosa María García Piñeiro, Ms. Laura González Molero, and Ms. Marta Martínez Alonso in 2017; Ms. Leticia Iglesias Herraiz in 2020; and Ms. Laura González Molero, Ms. Rosa María García Piñeiro, and Ms. Marta Martínez Alonso in 2021), Acerinox, S.A.'s appointment policy demonstrates that there are no implicit biases resulting in discrimination that would hinder the election of female directors. Instead, the company has deliberately sought to appoint female directors who meet the criteria of integrity, suitability, recognized professional solvency, competence, experience, qualifications, training, availability, and commitment to their roles, all essential for effectively performing their duties.