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Average period of payment to suppliers

Law 18/2022 of September 29 on the creation and growth of companies modified the regulations related to the average supplier payment period. The third additional provision, which establishes the duty of disclosure, requires all companies to expressly include their average supplier payment period in the notes to their Annual Accounts. It also requests the monetary volume and number of invoices paid in a period shorter than the maximum established in the late payment regulations, the percentage over the total number of invoices and over the total monetary amount of payments to suppliers. Acerinox takes this modification into account.

The average period of payment to suppliers of the Spanish companies that form part of the Group, after deducting payments made to Group companies, is detailed below:







Average period of payment to suppliers

 67 days

64 days

Ratio of transactions settled

66 days

62 days

Ratio of transactions not yet settled

72 days

81 days

(Data in thousands of euros)



Total payments made



Total payments outstanding




The table includes payments made to any supplier, whether domestic or foreign, and excludes Group companies.

Considering only domestic suppliers, the average payment period is reduced by three days as shown below:







Average period of payment to suppliers

64 days

57 days

Ratio of transactions settled

64 days

55 days

Ratio of transactions not yet settled

63 days

77 days

EUR thousands



Total payments made

642,355 1,235,767

Total payments outstanding

83,725  108,716


2024’s figures were affected by the strike at Acerinox Europa, which caused the factory to be closed for five months, preventing the management of invoices and payments in a timely manner.

The rest of the Group’s Spanish companies comply with the payment terms established for domestic suppliers.
The supplementary information required by regulations is included below:


  2024 2023
a) Monetary volume of invoices paid within a period equal to or less than the maximum established in the regulations on late payment 467,243 1,129,490
Percentage share of total number of invoices of payments to its suppliers 42% 47%
b) Number of invoices paid within a period equal to or less than the maximum period established in the late payment regulations 21,395 22,172
Percentage share of total monetary payments to its suppliers 37% 40%